
Letra de Doctor From Hell - Loudness

Letra de canci�n de Doctor From Hell de Loudness lyrics

He will avenge
He hears his call
Healing the sickness infecting us all
Demon of faith
Perilless race
He kills the pain the devil will fall
Creature of night
Angel of life
When will it die
When will it drain
All of this pain it makes me insane
Buried alive
Hides in my brain
When will it die
Invisible pain
Creature of night
Angel of life
Doctor from Hell! From Heaven I fell!
Rescue me from the darkness
Living in Hell! Created myself
Caged in the cell I made.
Doctor from Hell! From Heaven I fell!
Souls lost in the darkness
Show me the way, light of the day
Where is the key to this cage?
Doctor from Hell!
He will avenge
He hears his call
Healing the sickness infecting us all
Demon of faith
Perilless race
He kills the pain the devil will fall
Creature of night
Angel of life
Doctor from Hell! From Heaven I fell!
Rescue me from the darkness
Living in Hell! Created myself
Caged in the cell I made.
Doctor from Hell! From Heaven I fell!
Souls lost in the darkness
Show me the way, light of the day
Where is the key to this cage?
Doctor from Hell!
Lost in Hell!

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Doctor From Hell de Loudness es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Loudness Doctor From Hell lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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