
Letra de The Killer's Song - Carolina Marquez - Megadance Summermix 2005

Letra de canci�n de The Killer's Song - Carolina Marquez de Megadance Summermix 2005 lyrics

I love the killer's song
I love the killer's song
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum

He's the king of the night, you think he's alive
He's sexy, wasty, he's so stuck in his mind
He's a DJ in my dreams
He's a king and I'm a queen
We love each other in the dark, in the bush

Play or stop

I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum
I love the killer's song
The song of thunderdrum

He's the king of the night, you think he's alive
He's sexy, wasty, he's so stuck in his mind
He's a DJ in my dreams
He's a king and I'm a queen
We love each other in the dark, in the bush

Play or stop

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La letra de canci�n de The Killer's Song - Carolina Marquez de Megadance Summermix 2005 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Megadance Summermix 2005 The Killer's Song - Carolina Marquez lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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