
Acorde de The Rhythm Of The Saints - Paul Simon

Letra de The Rhythm Of The Saints

Intro Am C Bb 


If I have weaknesses

Don?t let them blind me


Or camouflage all I am wary of

C Bb

I could be sailing in seizures of laughter

C Am

Or crawling out from under the heel of love


Do my prayers remain unanswered


Like a beggar at your sleeve


Olodumare is smiling in heaven


Smiling in heaven I do believe

Reach in the darkness

(C Bb)

A reach in the dark

Reach in the darkness

A reach in the dark

To overcome an obstacle or an enemy

To glide away from the razor or a knife

To overcome an obstacle or an enemy



To dominate the impossible in your life

(C Bb)

Always a stranger when strange isn?t fashionable

And fashion is rich people waving at the door

C Bb

Or it?s a dealer in drugs or in passion

C Am

Lies of a nature we?ve heard before


Do my prayers remain unanswered


Like a beggar at your sleeve


Balalu-aye spins on his crutches

Says leave if you want


If you want to leave

(C Bb)

Reach in the darkness

A reach in the dark

A reach in the darkness

Reach in the dark

To overcome an obstacle or an enemy

To glide away from the razor or a knife

To overcome an obstacle or an enemy

To dominate the impossible in your life

Reach in the darkness e-chords.com

A reach in the dark

Reach in the darkness

A reach in the dark

To overcome an obstacle or an enemy

To dominate the impossible in your life

Reach in the darkness

A reach in the dark

Letra subida por: An�nimo

Discos en los que aparece este acorde: The Rhythm Of The Saints , The Rhythm Of The Saints (2004)

El acorde de The Rhythm Of The Saints de Paul Simon es una versi�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.

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