
Letra de Drinking Champagne - Willie Nelson

Letra de canci�n de Drinking Champagne de Willie Nelson lyrics

I'm drinkin' champagne
Feelin' no pain 'till early mornin'
Dinin' and dancin'
With every pretty girl I can find

I'm havin' a fling
With a pretty young thing 'till early mornin'
Knowin' tomorrow I'll wake up
With you on my mind

Guilty conscience I guess
Though I must confess
I never loved you much
When you were mine

So I'll keep drinkin' champagne
Feelin' no pain 'till early mornin'
Dinin' and dancin'
With every pretty girl I can find

Havin' a fling
With a pretty young thing 'till early mornin'
Knowin' tomorrow I'll wake up
With you on my mind

Guilty conscience I guess
Though I must confess
I never loved you much
When you were mine

So I'll keep drinkin' champagne
And feelin' no pain 'till early mornin'
Dinin' and dancin'
With every pretty girl I can find

I'll keep havin' a fling
With a pretty young thing 'till early mornin'
Knowin' tomorrow I'll wake up
With you on my mind

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Drinking Champagne de Willie Nelson es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Willie Nelson Drinking Champagne lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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