C#m A C#m
How do you ex - plain, how do you des - cribe
A B C#m
a love that goes from East to West and runs deep as it wide
A C#m
You know all our hopes, Lord, you kow all our fears
A B C#m
and words can-not ex - press the love we feel, but we long for you hear
A C#m
So lis - ten to our hearts, Hear our spir - its sing
a song of praise that flows, from those you have re - deemed
A B E B C#m
We will use the words we know to tell You what an awe - some God You are
But words are not e-nough to tell you of our love, so listen to our hearts
C#m A C#m
If words could fall like rain, from these lips of mine
A B C#m
and if I had a thou - sand years I would still run out of time;
A C#m
So if you listen to my heart every beat will say
A B C#m
thank you for the life, thank you for the truth, thank you for the way
E A B B7 E
Words are not e-nough to tell you of our love, so listen to our hearts