Chords used:
G: 320033
Em7: 022033
Dsus4: x00233
D: x00232
Cadd9: x32033
A7sus4: x02233
Here is the chord progression. It runs constantly through the song. Play each chord for
measures, except for Dsus4 and D, which are played for one measure each.
G Em7 Cadd9 Dsus4 D
A7sus4 Cadd9 Dsus4 D
She ran into the wall
So sweet and unknown
A worn comatose
After six milligrams
We're talking again
Who would know?
So sweet and so low
Who would know?
My brain doesn't produce any
I'm soaring without anything
She said I'm taking my time
And now we'll move on with everyone
I'll see my friend soon again
My brain doesn't produce any
I'm soaring without anything
And we said aloud
And we can't pull out