G5 5-5-3-X-X-X
E5 0-2-2-X-X-X
F5 1-3-3-X-X-X
C5 X-3-5-5-X-X
G5 3-5-5-X-X-X
A5 X-0-2-2-X-X
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
Cruise in the moonlight, heading downtown
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
Lookin for some fast love, I've gotta get down
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
So boogie-woogie woman, keeps lookin my way
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
So if you want a good time, you know just where I stay
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
Meet me on the dance floor, let me shake my thing
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
We're all just players, in the rock and roll game
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
So boogie-woogie woman, join me for a dance
G5 E5 F5 C5 F5
So if you want a good time, girl, you know my plan
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
G5 F5 F5 G5
Rock and roll night club
Bridge/Solo Chords:
C5 A5 G5 E5
For the ROCK AND ROLL NIGHTCLUB part at the end, just play the chorus again
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| br Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend