
Letra de A shadow in the garden of darkness - Netherbird

Letra de canci�n de A shadow in the garden of darkness de Netherbird lyrics

In the year of 1859
Born was a shadow of light
In garden where the darkness grew
In the garden of sophisticated lies

In the realm of ever reigning gloom
Where the gardeners trimed the vines
Born was a shadow and regal he grew
A majestic silhouette to dim their night

Oh, dark was the carpet woven
Flawed was their perfect design
A tapestry destined to be torn
One truth and their kingdom was no more

A shadow in the garden of darkness
One of a light as dark as the heart of the night
A shadow born in the garden of lies
One of a light as dark as the heart of the night

Their garden was of such a delightful darkness
Such a relief for eyes that never wanted to see
And the less they saw, the more they believed
A shadow in the garden of darkness!

An empire of eternal lies
By the flare of a thought watch it ignite the skyline
An aeon of enslavement and strife
Like bonfires temple flames lick the night sky

Oh, dark was the carpet woven
Flawed was their perfect design
A tapestry destined to be torn
Oh A shadow in the garden of darkness
One of a light as dark as the heart of the night
A shadow born in the garden of lies
One of a light as dark as the heart of the night

There can be nothing darker
Than a night presented to be the day
There can be nothing fouler
Than the lie in the guise of truth

The truth

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de A shadow in the garden of darkness de Netherbird es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Netherbird A shadow in the garden of darkness lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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