
Letra de Almost Hear You Sigh (Live at Wembley Stadium 1990) - The Rolling Stones

Letra de canci�n de Almost Hear You Sigh (Live at Wembley Stadium 1990) de The Rolling Stones lyrics

I can almost hear you sigh
i can almost hear you cry
on every crowded street
all the places we would meet
What will i do without you
they say that life goes on
i'm feeling sorry for myself
i can't belive you're gone
You acted much too calm
you turned on all the charm
you had a cold look in your eyes
I can feel your tongue on mine
silky smooth like wine
i'm living with those memories
that's all that's left of you and me
I can almost hear you sigh
almost hear you cry

when you made sweet love to me
and you turned on all the charm
acted much too calm
you had a cold look in your eyes
Did it mean nothng
was it all in vain
was i just your fool
or was the pleasure pain
have you set me free
or will i wake up
in the morning
and find out it's been a bad dream
Come on, i beg you
i want to be your main man
I can almost hear you sigh
almost hear you cry
when you make sweet love to me
almost see your smile
it stretched half a mile
you had a stone cold look in your eyes

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Almost Hear You Sigh (Live at Wembley Stadium 1990) de The Rolling Stones es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
The Rolling Stones Almost Hear You Sigh (Live at Wembley Stadium 1990) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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