
Letra de An Eye for a Lie - Kayo Dot

Letra de canci�n de An Eye for a Lie de Kayo Dot lyrics

It has been some long days since
The pilot had rejoiced in the gardens
Singular will
Shadow floe in ice of flow
No one would ever ever know
Across the deck to the cabinet
Crawling, coddling demon seed
Perfect in her innocence
Asleep in her acquiesce

Shade approach the holy altar
Beside the holy hook
Tremble in his lust
Black streaks leans in to take her
She took his tongue and throat
Perfect in her innocence
Blasphemy laughed and grinning
She fixed him to the holy hook
And put an end to his sinning

Ghoul in coat will arise at dawn
Black coat skin over black coat soul
What is this thing upon this hook
Open eyes, open wide
Blasphemy is stirring
Sees the sea around him fuming
Doll arise in dripping dress
Meet his eyes
Wormholes looming

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La letra de canci�n de An Eye for a Lie de Kayo Dot es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Kayo Dot An Eye for a Lie lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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