
Letra de Blood Orchid - Netherbird

Letra de canci�n de Blood Orchid de Netherbird lyrics

Black cityscape
Stone fangs tearing at the sky
Putrid tears fall

Black horrorscape
Ghosts line these avenues
These streets are trenches
Ugly are these scars
...and filled with rats they are
Filled with rats they are!

There are choirs, a ghost vesper for hope
Like whispers beyond the roaring machinery
So few the flowers in these gardens of rust
Nested they rest 'neath the carpet of dust

I stand to watch the leaving birds spread their wings
They will leave high above the chaos, high above everything
While I hide deep within my flesh fortress under siege
Where neither teachings nor syringes can reach

There must be beauty beyond this rugged city where we're confined
There must be another meaning, greater than all their lies combined
I've chosen another path, walking away from the strains of life
A search for the blood orchid in the rusted gardens of mankind

Autumn clutched in the earthen arms of summer's growth
Beneath the canopy of warmth
Where stars beacons the weary and small
Yet every garden bear the witness of coming fall

Few are the flowers in the gardens of man
In these sparkling gutters of neon Babylon
Ghost dance amongst the fortunate whores
Scared and maimed the pale stumble on...

Blood Orchid
There must be beauty beyond this rugged city where we're confined
Blood Orchid
There must be another meaning, greater than all their lies combined
Blood Orchid
I've chosen another path, walking away from the strains of life
Blood Orchid
A search for you in these rusted gardens of mankind

I stand to watch the leaving birds spread their wings
They will leave high above the chaos, high above everything
While I hide deep within my flesh fortress under siege
Where neither teachings nor syringes can reach

There must be beauty beyond this rugged city where we're confined
There must be another meaning, greater than all their lies combined
I've chosen another path, walking away from the strains of life
A search for the Blood Orchid in the rusted gardens of mankind

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Blood Orchid de Netherbird es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Netherbird Blood Orchid lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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