
Letra de Catch The Rainbow - Rainbow Eyes - Holy Dio A Tribute To The Voice Of Metal Ronnie James Dio

Letra de canci�n de Catch The Rainbow - Rainbow Eyes de Holy Dio A Tribute To The Voice Of Metal Ronnie James Dio lyrics

She's been gone since yesterday
Oh I didn't care
Never cared for yesterdays
Fancies in the air

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Love should be a simple blend
A whispering on the shore
No clever words you can't defend
They lead to never more

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Summer nights are colder now
They've taken down the fair
All the lights have died somehow
Or were they ever there

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I've lost my way
She had rainbow eyes

Oooh, ooh

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La letra de canci�n de Catch The Rainbow - Rainbow Eyes de Holy Dio A Tribute To The Voice Of Metal Ronnie James Dio es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Holy Dio A Tribute To The Voice Of Metal Ronnie James Dio Catch The Rainbow - Rainbow Eyes lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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