
Letra de Every Song I Sing - Chase Rice

Letra de canci�n de Every Song I Sing de Chase Rice lyrics

On a highway in a town north of atlanta
That radio, it stopped me in my tracks
It was a song I sang, a song I wrote
A couple of years back for ya
And it got me thinkin� of how I miss my georgia

Cause you�re in every song I sing, you�re in everything I do
In every breath I take and every I miss you
But I couldn�t do a damn thing
No right words that I could say
I couldn�t keep you here with a melody and now you�re just a memory
But girl you�ll always be, in every song I sing

I lived a life and love that you had grown to hate
I had a love affair with the road a stage and my six string
And though I couldn�t keep you here, I done all that I could do
And yet you�re gone tonight but this song I write it�s about you

Cause you�re in every song I sing, you�re in everything I do
In every breath I take and every I miss you
But I couldn�t do a damn thing
No right words that I could say
I couldn�t keep you here with a melody and now you�re just a memory
But girl you�ll always be, in every song I sing

I hope you know every night I take that stage
Girl I�da given up it all to make you stay
But I keep you in my heart in my own way

Through every song I sing, through everything I do
Through every breath I take and every I miss you
Oh but I couldn�t do a damn thing
No right words that I could say
I couldn�t keep you here with a melody and now you�re just a memory
But girl you�ll always be, in every song I sing

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La letra de canci�n de Every Song I Sing de Chase Rice es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Chase Rice Every Song I Sing lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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