
Letra de Father's Day (Skit) - Joyner Lucas

Letra de canci�n de Father's Day (Skit) de Joyner Lucas lyrics

[Ms. Nelson]
So today is Father's Day
And I asked you guys to create a beautiful card for your fathers today
I'm sure your dad would love this!
I'm just going to quietly walk around the room, and look at the wonderful card you made

[Ms. Nelson]
This is beautiful
This is nice


[Ms. Nelson]
Sandra, I love this one!
Is that a picture of you and your dad?

Yeah that's me and my dad

[Ms. Nelson]
That's beautiful
Nice, nice!

Thank you!

[Ms. Nelson]
Oh well, Joyner, what is this?
This part says "Happy Father's Day, stepdad"
Why don't you create one for your real dad?

I don't have a real dad

[Ms. Nelson]
Oh, well isn't that unfortunate? That explains a lot
So, anyone with a real dad, take you cards and place them in your backpack
Joyner, I'm gonna hold on to yours, and maybe one day
You'll have a change of heart
Remember, you only get one dad
Keep that in mind

Yeah, yeah

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Father's Day (Skit) de Joyner Lucas es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joyner Lucas Father's Day (Skit) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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