
Letra de Follow Me Down - Mungo Jerry

Letra de canci�n de Follow Me Down de Mungo Jerry lyrics

Out in the streets, out in the fields,
Over the hills and the valleys,
Up on the mountain, up through the clouds, yeah,
I'll take You where I'm going.
Far from the taste, far from the smell,
Far from the noise of the city,
I'll the the fast train, off from pollution
I'll take Y' just where I'm going.

Follow me, follow me, follow me down,
Follow me down, follow me down,
Girl follow me down.

A home we will build, up on the hill,
We'll leave all the plastic and phoney,
Make love every hour, we can get high, yeah,
I'll take You where I'm going.


Follow me, follow me, follow me down,
Follow me down, follow me down,
Girl follow me down.
I'll take You where I'm going.


(4 times)

Follow me, follow me, follow me down,
Follow me down, follow me down,
Girl follow me down.

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La letra de canci�n de Follow Me Down de Mungo Jerry es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Mungo Jerry Follow Me Down lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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