
Letra de Intro (Skit) - Joyner Lucas

Letra de canci�n de Intro (Skit) de Joyner Lucas lyrics

[Intro: Joyner Lucas, Homie X & Woman]
(Oh, you shut the fuck up!
I wanna break your fucking neck
You a fake ass bitch ass nigga!)
Oh, stop
Wake up, nigga
Wake up
(You're wastin' your life!)
(Shut the fuck up)
Wake up!
(Get the fuck outta my house!)
(I want you out!
Wake up!

Wakes up

[Skit: Joyner Lucas & Homie X]
Damn bro
Sounds like you were having a bad dream, huh?
Either that or somebody was raping you in your sleep, man
That's what it sounded like
Shut the fuck up, man
You good?
Yeah I'm good man, we just need to get the fuck off this planet man, I'm tired of this shit already
And go where?
I don't know
Something's just telling me to go man
I think you should come with me
Know what? That really doesn't sounds like a bad idea, now that I th-
Hold up, fuck that!
What man?
What you-
Last time you had a bright idea, we went to the sun
Nigga that wa-
You almost got us killed, 'member that?
Yeah bu-
My skin ain't been the same since nigga, fuck you!
Nope, the answer is no
Ask me five minutes later from now, the answer is no!
Nigga, you always told me that you would never succeed unless you die, I'd never forget that shit
Dumbass! I-is unless you try, and I ain't tryin' to die tonight, so no
Cancel me out your plans for this one, I'm good
Stayin' my ass right the fuck here nigga, fuck you!
You know, sorry you feel that way my man
'Cause umm, I got this brochure right here and ahh...
What brochure?
I see Planet Earth got some of the baddest bitches we've ever seen in our life
Nig-, gimme that! Let me see that shit
But I guess you don't wanna go so don't worry bout it
Ahh, don't worry bout it
Nigga what you mean?
Ni- ayy, I'll go put fuel in this shit right, matter-
Get yo' ass up, let's go!
Shoulda said this shit from the first place nigga
Sh- I woulda been sayin' yes, let's go man!
Hehehe, ahh, I figured you'd say that
Well, pack yo' shit, let's take off! (Take off, take off, take off, take off)

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Intro (Skit) de Joyner Lucas es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joyner Lucas Intro (Skit) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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