
Letra de It Could Be You - Tributized: A Tribute To Def Leppard

Letra de canci�n de It Could Be You de Tributized: A Tribute To Def Leppard lyrics

Who's the one to knock me over
Who's the one to take me by surprise
Who's the one who's out to get me
Who will share my fantasy tonight

It could be you
It could be me
It could be anyone
It could be you
It could be me
It could be you
It could be anyone

Do you really know the story?
Have you really come to see the band?
Can you reach out for the glory?
Can you feel the nearness of my hand?
It could be you
It could be me
It could be anyone

If you look a little harder
You can see we're really all the same
And if you look a little deeper
Can't you see it's really all a game?

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La letra de canci�n de It Could Be You de Tributized: A Tribute To Def Leppard es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Tributized: A Tribute To Def Leppard It Could Be You lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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