
Letra de Let It Go - Adrenaline Mob

Letra de canci�n de Let It Go de Adrenaline Mob lyrics

Why can�t you ever just let anything go
Don�t you know that the past is the past
You fight your feeling you heat your blood up
Don�t you know that you can�t go back

So just take all your demons
Don�t give them a reason
Don�t let them control your mind
Cause they are the problem
So what will it take
What will it take for you to just let it go

The past is the past
Let it go
The past is the past
Let it go

Why can�t you ever just let sleeping dogs lie
You don�t want to wake up the pack
They�ll eat your heart out
They�ll lick your blood up
If you feed them they�ll keep coming back

So just take all your demons
Don�t give them a reason
Don�t let them control your mind
Cause they are the problem
So what will it take
What will it take for you to just let it go

Let it go

So just take all your demons
Don�t give them a reason
Don�t let them control your mind
Cause they are the problem
So what will it take
What will it take for you to just let it go

The past is the past
Let it go
The past is the past
Let it go
The past is the past
Let it go
The past is the past
Let it go

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Let It Go de Adrenaline Mob es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Adrenaline Mob Let It Go lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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