
Letra de Partners In Crime - Pretty Maids

Letra de canci�n de Partners In Crime de Pretty Maids lyrics

Jeannie, Jeannie she's running on a thin line
While Danny's looking for an alibi
Little sinners living on the wild side
Face to face
Out of place
Out of time

Out in the streets
With a thousand faces
Where lovers meet
In pleasure and pain
Out of innocence
Two souls crying out
So desperately
In ecstasy

She is the animal
The way she looks at you
She's creeping in on you
He's just a criminal
Ready to strike

How to survive
Can't draw the line
The line between what's wrong or right
Live or die
Partners in crime
And their bridge is burning

A smoky room
In a sleazy hotel
As a man walk out
Another walks in
Law of the jungle
Is no finance, no romance
She can't live without
And she can't live within

She is the animal
The way she looks at you
She's creeping in on you
He's just a criminal
Ready to strike


So many promises that we've been told
So many things we take for granted
Whenever you find your dreams along these roads
You're out on your own
Don't loose control

Never give it up, don't give it up
Sometimes life is a little bit tough on you
Ain't that the truth Jeannie

She is the animal
The way she looks at you
She's creeping in on you
He's just a criminal
Drifting around like a thief in the night


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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Partners In Crime de Pretty Maids es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Pretty Maids Partners In Crime lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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