
Letra de Pillars of the Sky - Netherbird

Letra de canci�n de Pillars of the Sky de Netherbird lyrics

When traversing the endless
In search for the hidden, glorious heights
And the meaning concealed
The passage begins without light

And the search will estrange you
Yearning to learn what's hidden by lore
How this journey will change you
A first step that's followed by countless of more

When bewildered yet lucid
Only as lost you can see
Towering as you behold them
Great distant giants, the ancient creed

And this search will estrange you
Yearning to learn the wisdom of yore
How this journey will change you
Up every mountain, along every shore

And one day you shall find
The pillars of the sky

Those that venture through the night
How they burn, with purpose and resolve
The darkest of the dark, the brightest of bright
With glorious flames they ride

In a world lost to treason
Shapes of the greater, that dared and who died
Grand giants overlooking the vast never ending
The pillars of the sky
At their feet lie the masses
Those like us, who craved to arise
As they fell all before them
Triumph or death for the pillars of the sky

Past the edge of the forest
Far beyond the emerald fields
Where storms rage unhindered
And free

Forever they stand
The pillars of the sky

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Pillars of the Sky de Netherbird es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Netherbird Pillars of the Sky lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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