
Letra de Regular Guy - Bif Naked

Letra de canci�n de Regular Guy de Bif Naked lyrics

let me tell you about the kind of guys that like me
they're in jail
either that or they are slummin' and walking on the wild side
i guess you could say i'm just like Jody Watley
lookin' for a new love
i don't think i ask for much in a boyfriend
here's what i want:

i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like you
i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like you

wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
please be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
please be you, come on

let me tell you about the kind of guy i look for
and he'd like cherry popsicles, he'd like snocones
he rides bmx
i want a boy who can lie in bed all day with me
holding hands
i don't think i'm asking for much in a boyfriend
here's what i want:

i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like you
i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like you

wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
please be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
wouldn't it be cool, couldn't it be you
please be you, come on

i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like
i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like
i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like
i'm just looking for
a four-eyes really square regular guy
just like you

four eyes regular guy
just like you
four eyes regular guy
just like you
four eyes regular guy
just like you
just like you

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Regular Guy de Bif Naked es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Bif Naked Regular Guy lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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