
Letra de Shadow Walkers - Netherbird

Letra de canci�n de Shadow Walkers de Netherbird lyrics

As autumn comes
Cold is her breath
Of fire her colours
Of frost is her embrace
Silent are all angels
As she's striding by
In her wake only snow
Pure and dead she rise

As the memory of summer stands aflame
Gone the warmth of a better yesterday
Facing the dawn, cold and alone
Dim the stars that shine so distant
Vain are we all, but no gods to judge us
For mourning times of hope and lesser hurt
Be it know that our kind will never die
We take but one step back into the shadows

As winter comes
Frozen are her lips
Of grey her colours
Deadly her embrace
Gone are all the angels
As she's drifting by
In her wake but nothingness
All still as she rise

As the memory of summer stands aflame
Gone the warmth of a better yesterday
Facing the dawn, cold and alone
Dim the stars that shine so distant
Vain are we all, but whom to judge us
For mourning times of hope and lesser hurt
Be it know that our kind will never die
We take but one step back into the shadows

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Shadow Walkers de Netherbird es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Netherbird Shadow Walkers lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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