
Letra de She Loves Me - Joe Diffie

Letra de canci�n de She Loves Me de Joe Diffie lyrics

She's more than I could ever ask for
More than I deserve
Why am I the lucky one
Who means the world to her
She's the best of everything
Sometimes I think it's all a dream

She loves me
It's like my heart just can't believe
She loves me
She could have most anyone she pleased
But she loves me

She's the one who takes my hand and
Takes my breath away
Takes me where I want to go
And where I want to stay
She turns to me and says my name
And I feel things I can't explain

She loves me
It's like my heart just can't believe
She loves me
She could have most anyone she pleased
But she loves me

She's the best of everything
Sometimes I think it's all a dream

She loves me
It's like my heart just can't believe
She loves me
She could have most anyone she pleased
But she loves me

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La letra de canci�n de She Loves Me de Joe Diffie es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joe Diffie She Loves Me lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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