
Letra de Tattle Tales (Skit) - Joyner Lucas

Letra de canci�n de Tattle Tales (Skit) de Joyner Lucas lyrics

Excuse me, Ms. Nelson? Joyner said something mean to Cory

[Ms. Nelson]
He did? Well, that wasn't very nice of him, was it?

[Joyner Lucas]
Yes, Ms. Nelson!

[Ms. Nelson]
Can you come here, please?

[Joyner Lucas]

[Ms. Nelson]
So I was just informed that you said something mean to Cory

[Joyner Lucas]
That's not true, she's lying!

[Ms. Nelson]

Yeah, he did! He told me I was-

[Ms. Nelson]
Now, before we figure out anything,
I just wanna point out that what Christine came up and told me wasn't her business, was it?

[Joyner Lucas & Cory]

[Ms. Nelson]
And what Christine actually did was what?

[Joyner Lucas & Cory]
Tattle taled

[Ms. Nelson]
That's right! She tattle tal?d. And we don't like tattle tal?s very much, do we?

[Joyner Lucas & Cory]

[Ms. Nelson]
Cory, what's another name for tattle tale?


[Ms. Nelson]
That's right! Snitch. And what Christine just did was snitch on Joyner


[Ms. Nelson]
And like the saying goes, "Snitches get" what?

[Joyner Lucas & Cory]

[Ms. Nelson]
Say it again! "Snitches get" what?

[Joyner Lucas & Cory]

[Ms. Nelson]
One more time! "Snitches get" what?

[Joyner Lucas, J Dugs & Cory]

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Tattle Tales (Skit) de Joyner Lucas es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joyner Lucas Tattle Tales (Skit) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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