
Letra de The God I Deserve - Light The Torch

Letra de canci�n de The God I Deserve de Light The Torch lyrics

We are forsaken
Can you hear me? I've been calling
Don't be mistaken
It's the way it has to be

Only you can take me back
(You won't feel it)
I'm the fool again
Can you be the god that I deserve?

Beautiful lie
Tell me secrets I'm not speaking
It's your disguise (It's your disguise)
Burning words inside of me

Only you can take me back
(You won't feel it)
I'm the fool again
Can you be the god that I deserve?

Only you can take me back
(You won't feel it)
I'm the fool again
Can you be the god that I deserve?

You have no home here
And you don't believe it
You have no home here (You have no home here)
You worship a secret

Only you can take me back
(You won't feel it)
I'm the fool again
Can you be the god that I deserve?

Only you can take me back
(You won't feel it)
I'm the fool again
Can you be the god that I deserve?

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de The God I Deserve de Light The Torch es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Light The Torch The God I Deserve lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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