
Letra de They Say It's Gonna Rain (Zulu Mix) - Hazell Dean

Letra de canci�n de They Say It's Gonna Rain (Zulu Mix) de Hazell Dean lyrics

Moo-soo-too-younger-hey-hey, moo-sala-kooloo-hoh
Moo-soo-too-younger-hey-hey, moo-sala-kooloo-hoh
Moo-soo-too-younger-hey-hey, moo-sala-kooloo-hoh
Moo-soo-too-younger-hey-hey, moo-sala-kooloo-hoh

They say it's gonna rain, look sky is gonna break
can you tell me why to do things always have to win?
it seems like your -----, but it only just begun
laughing in the sun I hope you'll be my life long friend

Love is true, it cuts in two: between pleasure and pain,

between sunshine and rain and between me and you
I'm alive, they say it's gonna rain but I'll survive
and though I'm cryin' out that I'm in pain, I will love again...

-----------? as to know, oh to see your love to come
suddenly I feel a shadow hanging over me

Love is true, it cuts in two: between pleasure and pain,
between sunshine and rain and between me and you
I'm alive, they say it's gonna rain but I'll survive
and though I'm cryin' out that I'm in pain, I will love again...

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La letra de canci�n de They Say It's Gonna Rain (Zulu Mix) de Hazell Dean es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Hazell Dean They Say It's Gonna Rain (Zulu Mix) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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