
Letra de Whip In My Valise - Adam & The Ants

Letra de canci�n de Whip In My Valise de Adam & The Ants lyrics

When I met you you were just sixteen
Pulling the wings off of flies
When an old lady got hit by a truck
I saw the wicked gleam in your eyes
Your sadistic suits my masochistic
And theres a whip in my valise on yeah

Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you?

Describe the special punishment room
Over my garage, theres a
Whipping post, a vertical beam
You have to be in charge
I payed a packet
For a new straight jacket
And theres a whip in my valise oh yeah

Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you?

You put my head into the stocks
And then you went to choose a cane
But hey your cat has got nine tails
You like to leave me lame
I can't thank her, my Sunday Spanker
There's a whip in my valise oh yeah

Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you to torture?
Who taught ya?
Who taught you?

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Whip In My Valise de Adam & The Ants es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Adam & The Ants Whip In My Valise lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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